
About Me

Hello! My name is Owen Rummage. I was born years ago. I like to do systems administration and software engineering in my free time. Thanks for visiting my site. I am currently a student at Nashville State studying for an Associate of Applied Sciences in Computer Information Technology. I’m also currently dating the love of my life since a year ago. I have been playing with computers since I was 6 years old, and I have been using Linux since I was 8.

I am known for a few things, I operate NixLabs (AS216268) an open-source organization that aids in getting servers and resources to open-source projects all around the internet. In my free time, I like to program and build networks. I mainly program in PHP, however I am also proficient in Javascript, GoLang, and Python. I am extremely experienced with Cisco and Arista networking equipment along with protocols such as BGP and OSPF. I have 32u of colocation to operate my and my friend’s servers as part of NixLabs, this is where I run all of my services. I have some cool stuf on this site, including a state of the art NFT you can go buy here. You can also go read my ramblings on my blog.

I have worked at a few companies in the past doing various things from systems administration to software engineering. Most of that can be found on my Linkedin, located here. Currently, I am employed at a small computer shop locally. My job mainly revolves around fixing desktops and laptops, but occasionally we get an enterprise contracting job where I do network installations or software deployment/configuration. I also do contracting on the side, see below for more details